Monday, April 1, 2013

Stash-Buster #27 - Happy Scrappy Afghan

I have a lot of acrylic stash to bust,
and this may be the most efficient way to take care of it:
It's an afghan made from a pattern called "Soft Waves" from this book:
I love this book; this will be my fourth afghan from this book.
The stripes are comprised of crazy mixed-up random colors.
No order, no method.
Sometimes, I close my eyes and grab the next color from the stash.
You can tell, can't you?
This is a difficult way for me to operate, but probably good for me.
I rarely work with earth tones, but including them in this project will be okay
 as this blanket is destined for my sis-in-laws cabin. 
Earth tones are good for an afghan for a cabin in the pines, right?
It will be a gift for letting us stay in the cabin for an entire week next month.
I am so excited!

I work on it in between other stash-busting projects.

 Sometimes when I am in a brainless mood I roll the skeins into balls:
Then when a color is mostly used up and they become too small to complete a row
 I throw them into a baggie,
for a future stash-buster.

I would have never had been able to stick to this stash-busting commitment without the help of:
Click on the image and read all about it.
Much gratitude to Linda and Ana for the challenge.

The completed blanket will be posted by next month.


  1. Lovely! Ripple stitch are always fun to crochet. Although I do not make big projects like blankets but I made an iPad cover using ripples. I always love the colourful things you make:)
    If interested, you may view my cover here

    1. Very fun iPad cover Pretti! And thank you!

  2. Love the ripple, they are fun to make.
    I have only made a small one and will again once I complete
    some of those pesky WIP'S LOL.

    1. You are right - they are fun! Looks like you have been busy traveling and having fun.

  3. This blanket lokks great! What a nice present for staying in the cabin, I´m sure they will appreciate it a lot!! :-)

    1. Thank you Britt. Hopefully it will add to the coziness of the cabin.

  4. Astri, are you SURE we're not related?! You are just so like me LOL! The afghan looks lovely - your sis will be delighted. x

    1. Could be...and I wish. ;-) It's so nice to connect with you.

  5. Mooi, ben zelf ook bezig met, wat ik noem, de golfjesdeken. Kijk maar eens op mijn blog. Het haakt ook zo lekker weg. En zo kun je mooi restjes opmaken.

    Groetjes, Agnes.

    1. Your ripple is beautiful Agnes. Thank you for letting me know about it.

  6. If you hadn't said you were an official stash buster I would have thought you just had a way with colour - that is what it looks like to me. Keep busting, it is good for the mind and the pocket! The blanket will be a reasured cabin item I am sure.

    1. You are right, Jo -this is good on the pocket book. It's getting to the point now that I have to repeat the leftover colors more often, but then I guess that's ok. :-) Thank you for the nice comment and the visit.

  7. It's going to be beautiful Astri, the colour combinations are looking good :)

    1. Thank you Linda. The colors are getting a little weird as I get to the bottom of the pile now. Perhaps it can be folded a certain way to make the bets of it. ;-)

  8. I think that's worth at least a fortnight in the cabin - beautiful! Jane x

  9. Restegarntepper er bare de aller koseligste. Så heldig din svigerinne er som får det fine teppet på hytta si. D

    1. Takk Drude. Det minner meg tepper som jeg har sett i Norge.

  10. my first attempts at "the ripple" frustrated me! I must sit down and give it another go!
    I am beginning to think I will never 'bust my stash' as I keep buying more yarn *oopsies!*
    I'm loving your latest creation!

    1. Oh goodness Dana, I understand; I had an oopsy last week that I have not even been able to get myself to post about. ;-)

  11. Astri,
    happy blanket. Beatiful combinations.

  12. The Ocean Waves pattern from Red Heart that you posted is so pretty. That will be a great stash buster as well.

  13. Your soft waves ripple is looking pretty - the colors are blending nicely. :)

    1. Thank you Debi! The last half might not blend so well- I am running out of a lot of yarn colors that have enough left to make an entire row. I'll have to really think about how to finish this one without buying more. ;-)

  14. Great ripple progress! Wish mine was looking so posh! I ended it last spring and came back to it this past fall. Somewhere, some how I must have changed tension or hook size because I ended up with a ruffle looking end and a semi straight continuation! lol My daughter loves the ruffled end so I am not going to rip it and begin again, I will just keep going until it's as long as she likes! I'm adding random bright colors and making it a learning piece.
    I am very envious of the cabin retreat vacation, hope you have a wonderful time!

    1. I end up with those ruffle ends too, then I try to repeat on the other end and can't repeat it, haha. Oh well, such is the life of a crocheter and it's still so fun!

      The cabin retreat will good for us. Lots of work with not a lot of relaxing in the last few years...but that is changing. :-)

      Thank you for the comment Jen and the good wishes, I will look forward to seeing your progress on your ripple - the bright colors will make it really pop. Please let me know when you post about it, just in case I miss it. ;-)

  15. What a fun project and super cute!

    1. Thanks Bug! I am so glad you stopped by. :-)

  16. I love your stash buster afghan Astri. The colors are really pretty.


    1. Thanks Linda. One of these days I will be stitching again. ;-)

  17. Kjempefint teppe. Fargane er heilt herlege :)
    Eg har ein liten, fargeglad krabat i mitt nyaste innlegg òg :)
    Fargar gjer meg så glad, så glad :)
    Og no er våren her - jippi! :)
    Ha ein fin dag over there :)
    Klem, KristiN

    1. Thank you Kristin, I did ncheck out your happy project: a crocheted rainbow mushroom man. Haha...very cute!

  18. My most favorite quilts have been made like that....just grab some scraps and stitch away. Your soft ripple has such happy colors, just lovely. I am so itching to make another ripple, but have far too many other afghans to finish first. Off to post my stash buster for April.
    blessings, jill

    1. I'm excited about your April stash-buster Jill. I know the feeling about too many afghans. Why do we do that? They take so long! haha.

  19. me gusta mucho ese tipo de tejido, espero que lo pueda compartir

  20. Litt andre fargar på dette teppet, ja;) Du må no jammen ha ein masse med akrylgarn liggandes. Eg har sikkert fortalt det før, men her i Norge er akryl veldig lite brukt.

    1. Den akryl garn haug forsvinner sakte og for at jeg er lykkelig. Jeg liker ull og bomull best. :-)

  21. Il est vrai que ces couleurs sont différentes pour une de tes réalisations, mais c'est très bien organisé, j'aime bien cette association de couleurs.
    Bonne soirée !!!!

    1. Un grand merci Domi. Pas typique, mais je suis content que tu penses qu'ils sont organisés. Je pense que traducteur pourrait ne pas fonctionner sur ce point. J'espère que vous pouvez comprendre encore.

  22. This is a wonderful idea and I really love how it looks. I have a bit of a stash myself and this looks like something I need to do! It would be hard for me not to plan out every colour change but it would also be nice to just let "fate create"! Thanks so much for the super idea!!

    1. Thank you Stacey! I do have to fight every cell in my body to not try to plan and it's getting even more difficult now that there aren't many colors left. I think it's good brushing ones teeth with the opposite hand. ;-)

  23. I'm in awe over all your projects. I wish I had your stamina :-)

    1. Thanks I.H. The stamina is here one day and then gone the next. ;-)

      Looks like your stamina is coming along well, with all your beautiful blankets you are making.

  24. Blankets are my most favourite thing - I love your ripples x

    1. Thank you Sue - looks like you are knitting some beautiful ripples yourself. :-)

  25. I love that afghan and all its beautiful colors. I have such a hard time combining colors and much prefer a random look but never can seem to achieve it. You are doing a great job. And I like your organization, too. I sure need to get things organized around here. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Thank you Tammy; always nice when you drop by! I am feeling a bit disorganized so I am happy it does not come across in the blog....yet, anyway. ;-)

  26. Good for you using up all your scraps. I usually throw them away when they get that small....all those little scraps drive me nuts. I just might have to come up with a scrappy quilt to join in on the fun you and Linda are having!
    Your blanket is coming out beautiful!
    Keep going.....Shari xx

    1. Oh yes, please join. You would come up with something very nice based on all your lovely projects that I have seen. Now I'm trying to think up something for all the little tiny scraps...hmmmmm...

  27. Hello Astri,

    I am one of your new followers and have been enjoying looking through your blog. I also just signed um for the stash-buster project and I am very excited about it. I can relate to you having a hard time with the earthy tones and what a good idea to just grab "any" color for the afghan. The afghan is wonderful.

    Best wishes,

    1. Welcome Birgitta of Iceland! Thank you for joining us. Good luck with the stash-busting; it is a lot of fun and a bit addictive. ;-) You have a fantastic blog. I appreciate you leaving a comment.

  28. Love the ripple....gorgeous,I have that book awesome.Have a good Thursday..:0)


    1. It is a good book! Thanks for the comment Luna. :-)

      Good Thursday to you too!

  29. Hello Astri, Your ripple is very lovely with many wonderful colors. Love it. Have a great happy week. Hugs Judy

    1. Aw thanks Judy! I always like it when you leave a comment. :-)

  30. It's beautifull. I'd like to make one like this blanket
