Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blossoms at Apple Blossom Dreams

Spring Has Finally Sprung
Not to burst any bubbles or anything, but these are pear blossoms, we don't have any apple blossoms. :-)

A random tulip
This bulb must have been in the wrong bin when the others were purchased.
The others look nothing like this one; what a lovely stroke of luck.

The others...
Mother's Day in our parts is the beginning of the planting season and we are getting ready:

The NVO's babies...in preparation for this weekends planting.

The lettuce and spinach were planted early as they can survive the frost
 and bask in the cooler temperatures of early Spring.

The vinca doesn't bloom for long, but it's so pretty.
(It's common name periwinkle just happens to be the color I am unable to resist.)

One of the garden boxes the NVO built for me his first summer in my Apple Blossom Dreams.

Happy Spring Everyone From Apple (Pear?) Blossom Dreams!

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