Monday, May 2, 2011

Secure in Ones Manhood

My father Asbjørn was secure is his manhood.
How do I know this?
Well, for one...because he made the below needlepoint (stramei) projects.

My dad was constantly on the go, he worked hard was very creative and was involved in many projects....and a bit of a worrier. He may very well have had ADD - which in my eyes could be a quality. ADD brings with it a lot of energy and I like that. If that energy can be harnessed and focused then great things can happen. Like this:

In 1967 his temperament may have likely caused ulcers that soon led to surgery. The doctor advised him to relax and take up a hobby. Shortly after surgery, we headed back to Norway for a one month visit so he could get some well needed rest. Following the doc's orders, during this trip, his sister-in-law (Tante Ellen) taught him to needlepoint. They purchased a kit with three pieces...the two you see in this post (the bell-pull and the wall hanging) the other one was a chair cushion cover which wore out many years ago. One family joke is the possibility that the chair was thrown into a bonfire during a Sankthansaften (Mid-Summer Night) celebration. Ha! I don't really think that happened.

This piece is in the hallway above the "Husnissen Door" and made my mom all teary-eyed when she saw how we displayed it.

There was nothing feminine about this man, in fact he was the epitome of masculinity and so secure in his manhood that creating these typically female works of art only enhanced his manhood. This and my memories of him make these items hold a lot of meaning to me. I am so fortunate to be the recipient of these heirlooms. They make me smile and my mom cry each time we look at them.

I love and miss you Dad
(And thanks a lot for giving me ADD ;-) )

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